Jan 3, 2022
Beautiful leather
I fell in love with this purse when I first saw it on the website. It is a shoulder bag and I can use it slung around my neck to either side, changing the strap to clip onto different rings. This makes it very secure to carry. The weight is perfect and the number of roomy pockets surprised me, especially the one on the front that holds my phone. The color and quality of leather and the wonderful craftsmanship will please anyone who decides to purchase this!
I LOVE this bag!
This bag is now my favorite purse! I wanted something I could use daily to remind me of my trip to Peru. It is so well made and looks just like the picture. This isn't a large bag but there's room for a slim wallet, phone, and a few personal items. The additional zippered pocket on the outside is a nice touch - it's easily big enough for a cell phone and the adjustable strap completes it. I highly recommend this bag!
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