My wife loves this hat! The craftsmanship is impeccable and the felt is quite sturdy. The size was spot-on. The hat was a year-end 2020 holiday gift, so unfortunately she'll have to wait until travel and outdoors time reopen post-COVID crisis to really show it off...
I love this tote bag! Beautifully made and finished. Comfortably goes over my shoulder. I just love the earth tones. This will not be tucked away when not in use, I'm going to hang it out on a hook to be admired. A true piece of art. Thank you so much.
This shawl was worth the wait. The photo in the catalog and online are beautiful but just can't due justice to the item in your hands. So intricate and delicate, almost sheer in spots, it is really something special!
"When I first ventured out on my own, there were some difficult moments, but each obstacle I overcame became my motivation to keep going forward."
"I'm Wilber Calapuja Marron and I was born in Puno where my mother knitted sweaters to sell. I’m a very happy, hard-working, punctual and honest... read more
The Holiday Catalog
Discover our unique collection of beautiful, handmade objects from around the world, inspired by more than a century of exploration.