Love this bag. The leather, colors, and detailing are beautiful, and it's the right size to hold the few things I carry each day. This is perfect for me and a beautiful accent piece in and of itself.
I LOVE this bag!!
Everything about it is Perfect.. the size, the real leather and Especially the perfection of the beautiful woven yarns, their colors and the workmanship!
Buy it for yourself and your best friend!
Your workmanship is exquisite! I love the rust suede color with the other colors. The llama decoration is just beautiful along with the other decorations you have added onto the purse. I love it. Thank you so much for the workmanship you put on your items.
"I am a person who always likes to do everything, better and better. If I feel something isn't good enough, I don't give up. I will always try my best until I achieve what I want."
"Hello! My name is Chirada Loetparisanyu. I was born on April 7, 1973. My hometown is in Chonburi province, but I moved to Chiang Mai because my... read more
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