These look great anywhere! They are a conversation piece as everyone wants to know where I acquired them and then I share the symbolism of the birds reaching back. They could go anywhere in my house because they look formal enough for a nice dining room.
Thank you Mr. Apenteng for this beautiful wood
carving. The workmanship is outstanding and the
hand painting design of the costume is excellent.
I am so very, very happy you are working with
NOVICA so that people have the opportunity to
purchase your works of art.
New jersey
Bought for my grandson-in-law who is involved with chickens and eggs. The piece is perfect for his office desk and I was very impressed by the quality of the carving and beauty of the wood. Thank you for an unusual and appreciated piece!
"One thing I have come to love about carving is that there is no waste of wood. Every small piece of wood can be used to create small creatures."
"The skill to design is inborn. I can create sketches of styles for fabric before sending them to the seamstress and I'm also particular about... read more