ordered this rainproof hat for my husband. The ear flaps are perfect as he need sun block from the cap brim as well.
looks great ion him and he loves it.
Pacific Northwest Rainy winter- perfect.
I bought this for my friend who has multiple journals going at the same time. I didn't pay attention to the details and it was smaller than I expected, but my friend made it her "purse journal".
The journal is exquisite! What a winner as a gift to someone who journals, or should.
"Initially, I was considered a girl who was designing just for fun. But when I gave the artisans my designs and ideas to create the items, they started to take me seriously."
"I'm Bhavya Jain, daughter of Alok Jain, who has been featured artisan for a long time now. I was born in 1997 in New Delhi."As a child, I... read more
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