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silver rose rings

12 items

Featured Reviews


Aug 21, 2024

Lovely to Look At

Product picture

The size nine fits perfectly, and I love the gemstone colors the artisan coordinated for this well-made ring.

Fresh long stem roses

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I lovelovelove this ring! The way the gems fall on my finger is something I've not experienced before. It's quite graceful. I might stack with something as it is maybe a quarter size large AND the look of this ring lends itself to that, I think. The stones are lively and bright. I am considering picking up another color as well because I'm so thrilled by the design. It is both delicate and bold. Really wonderful art!

Dr. Alex

Jan 31, 2024

Simple, modern, stunning

Product picture

I am over a decade a loyal customer of Novica and ordered over 15 items from this artist. I love her simplicity, modern touch ans tunning beauty. Every recipient of these items so far loved them. Will return to her again!

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