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pretty scarves

65 items

Featured Reviews

Beautiful little dish

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I had special credit to use for a purchase from Novica... so rewarded myself with this lovely little dish. It will come out to serve special candy treats. It looks like it might be a good size for business cards -- or for a coin dish (for customers who need a penny or two) - so it may eventually be a gift for a friend. Very happy with my purchase!

Warm and Wonderful

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This bright red scarf was a delightful purchase for a gift to a friend. I liked it for its soft texture and holiday appeal. Turns out my friend is allergic, so I kept it for myself!


Jun 5, 2020

Floral Paisley Shawl

Product picture

I received the shawl today and it's beautiful. It was even in a nice envelope like netting with a material button which made it even more nice. It is isn't too heavy for wearing on cooler summer nights. Thank you.

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