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Maya Lord Kinich Aha Maya God of Sun Ceramic Wall Mask Replica Crafted by Hand
Angel Ceron Artisan Association
Monkeyshines Ceramic Monkey Shaped Jar Replica in Brown from Mexico
Olmeca Jaguar with Human Pre Hispanic Museum Replica Sculpture
Quetzalcoatl Sun God Mask Handcrafted Ceramic Wall Accent
Barrios Home Workshop
Maya with Pot Highly Detailed Original Ceramic Sculpture of a Maya Man
Tlaloc Ceramic Figurine of an Aztec God from Mexico
Large Jaguar Warrior Aztec Warrior Ceramic Replica Sculpture from Mexico
Elegant Lady Ceramic statuette
Samuel Lovi
Pre-Hispanic History Pre-Hispanic Ceramic Wall Mask from Mexico
Lord Ai Aepec Unique Archaeological Ceramic Sculpture
Walter Jose Acosta
Maya Governor of Uaxactun Original Signed Ceramic Sculpture of Antique Maya Governor
Moche Captive Decorative Peru Archaeology Ceramic Moche Replica
Ancient Teotihuacan, Gem-Encrusted Ceramic Mask
Tlaloc Replica, Handcrafted Mexican Ceramic Aztec Archaeology Museum Replica
Lord of the Rainstorm, Handcrafted Signed Ceramic Aztec Tlaloc Replica Vessel
Aztec Shaman, Mexico Pre-Hispanic Style Signed Ceramic Shaman Sculpture
Moche Prisoner, Peru Archaeology Moche Prisoner Replica Clay Vessel
Moche Fish, Peru Archaeology Moche Fish Replica Decorative Clay Vessel
Tezcatlipoca as a Jaguar, Aztec Tezcatlipoca Jaguar Signed Ceramic Sculpture
Aztec God Tezcatlipoca, Signed Ceramic Sculpture of the Aztec Deity Tezcatlipoca
Honoring the Maguey, Mexico Archeology Ceramic Maguey God Offering Sculpture
Quetzalcoatl Death Dance, Mexican Ceramic Pre-Hispanic Mask with Skulls
Ceramic figurine, 'Aztec Shaman'
Lady K's Treasures
Aug 14, 2023
Absolutely wonderful!!!
I have several Angel sculptures, and love every single one of them. This one is so detailed, amazing.
Ceramic mask, 'Maya Lord Kinich Aha'
Dec 19, 2020
A beautiful clay mask with tremendous detail
This is just one of the beautiful clay masks we selected for our tropical garden/pool area - along the fence line.
Ceramic sculpture, 'Olmeca Jaguar with Human'
Jan 5, 2022
Excellent quality, beautiful piece. I love these reproductions of ancient artifacts. They hold a treasured place in my home.