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Peruvian Shield in Black Sterling Peruvian Coat of Arms Charm Bracelet in Black
Length: 6"
Marianela Vargas
Black Maya Mask Reclaimed Wood Mayan Face Earrings in Black from Mexico
Length: 1.9" x 0.9" W x 0.1" D
Julio Molina
Otomi Embroidery Decoupage on Glass Otomi Tenango Embroidery Pendant Necklace
Yareth and Daniel
Butterfly Catrina Catrina Butterfly-Themed Decoupage on Glass Stud Earrings
Petite Butterfly Catrina Decoupage on Glass Dangle Earrings with Catrina Motif
Oaxacan Garden Decoupage on Glass Floral Oaxaca Embroidery Dangle Earrings
Butterfly Catrina Decoupage on Glass Catrina Butterfly-Themed Dangle Earrings
Petite Otomi Embroidery Decoupage on Glass Earrings with Otomi Embroidery Motif
Otomi Embroidery Decoupage on Glass Otomi Tenango Embroidery Dangle Earrings
Butterfly Catrina Decoupage on Glass Day of the Dead Catrina Pendant Necklace
Oaxacan Garden Decoupage on Glass Floral Oaxaca Embroidery Pendant Necklace
Butterfly Catrina Decoupage on Glass Bracelet with Catrina-Themed Pendant
Otomi Embroidery, Otomi Tenango Embroidery-Themed Decoupage on Glass Bracelet
Underworld Class, Day of the Dead-Themed Colorful Art Glass Pendant Necklace
Fabiola Quevedo