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"Rain is a blessing. Wells begin to fill with water for the prosperity of the community. Drops of water hit hard on the ground, there is a melody around it. I see from the window flashes of lightning striking, unaware that the ground is wet by it. That painful reality must also happen in the heart. Until after the rainbow begins to appear and all creatures are blessed," says Javanese artist Pramono Hadi about the inspiration behind this breathtaking abstract composition. Expertly rendered in yellow, green, black, red, white and orange acrylics, this modern painting will be a focal point anywhere you choose to display it.
You can find our 'raining' by Pramono Hadi in paintings categories such as Abstract Paintings, Modern Paintings, Abstract Paintings and Acrylic Paintings. Enjoy exploring these sections for other Novica treasures.
"When I worship, I feel peace in my heart, a feeling which I pour into my painting."
"I love my Indonesia, its unity in diversity. I was born in the eastern part of Yogyakarta in 1991. Then my family moved to Prambanan village... read more