Holding his harp tenderly, a man strums tunes from his beloved Andean highlands. He wears a bright chullo hat and colorful cloak in a fascinating sculpture by John Barrow. "It's part of my 'Folklore' series that is inspired by this beautiful country and its regional traditions," says Barrow with admiration. He makes the sculpture with hand-carved segments of cedar, mahogany and ishpingo woods, which he dyes with natural pigments.
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I have purchased more than half a dozen of Johns work - some for gifts, but I love his pieces so much that I have five in my home. I cant say enough wonderful things about his art. Many Thanks John and Novica!
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I am so happy with adding this piece to my collection. It is extremely well made and the colorful wood just makes the piece so vibrant. What a fantastic artist!!!
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When I saw this online, I was drawn to it. It reminds me of King David of Ancient Israel & Judah playing the Harp. Have a special person in mind to give it to as a gift. I did open up the package and admire it greatly. So tempted to keep it for myself! It is has that special spirit in it.
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Great winter tree with a beautiful red bird sitting on a branch - I love it!
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Beautiful colors and beautiful work!
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The first time I saw this Nativity set we were coming back from my boyfriends first vacation in Peru in 2022; we just purchased the Elephant from the same artist for our house and we were leaving the store. We both loved it, but had to make it to our flight, so we left. I regretted not getting it the second I took my seat on the plane, but it was already too late. Back home, this masterpiece would come back to my mind every now and then, Id look for it on the internet but never found it. Last November I remembered it again and without many expectations I googled it, again. Unexpectedly it just showed up and I couldnt let it go this time... I ordered it right away and I received it right on time for our 2024 Christmas season. John, this is a beautiful piece that brings me so much joy! Every time I pass by it, I cant help it but stop and stare at it, admiring every detail and the beauty of this set.
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