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Product ID: 407560
Preserving ancestral techniques, artisans of the Zenu Community in Colombia craft this delightful cuff bracelet. The wide cuff starts with a plastic base, which is wrapped with carefully woven caña flecha fibers in espresso and ivory. The design creates the illusion of three bracelets rather than one.
You can find our natural fiber cuff bracelet 'Creative River Energy' by Zenu Community in jewelry categories such as Hand Woven Bracelets, No Stone Bracelets, Natural Fiber Bracelets and Cuff Bracelets. Enjoy exploring these sections for other Novica treasures.
To keep these traditions alive, the Zenú teach at a local children's school that approaches ethnocultural knowledge by teaching students to always integrate craftwork with oral history.
The Zenú are an Indigenous people in Colombia, whose ancestral territory comprises the Sinu Valleys and San Jorge Rivers as well as the Caribbean... read more