icon hand Over $138.6 million USD sent to artisans so far!


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Ernestina Asante, a wood carver from Ghanareceived a $500 USD loan to grow her business.

$4,202,233 USD

Lent to artisans so far!

Angelina Roquel

beaded jewelry and handwoven baskets - Central America

Angelina is an artisan from Guatemala who specializes in beaded jewelry and handwoven baskets. She would like to invest in a bulk purchase of raw materials, including beads, thread and wicker.

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Loan requested: $300 USD


hand-carved wood sculptures and masks - Bali and Java

Gio is an artisan from Indonesia who specializes in hand-carved wood sculptures and masks. He would like to invest in a bulk purchase of wood and other materials.

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Loan requested: $150 USD

Patricia Jara

silver and gemstone jewelry - Andes

Patricia is an artisan from Peru who specializes in silver and gemstone jewelry. She would like to invest in a bulk purchase of silver.

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Loan requested: $1,600 USD


wooden puzzles and games - Bali and Java

Widanti is an artisan from Indonesia who specializes in wooden puzzles and games. She would like to invest in a bulk purchase of wood and other materials.

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Loan requested: $150 USD

Lorena Cofiño

handcrafted gemstone jewelry - Central America

Lorena is an artisan from Guatemala who specializes in handcrafted gemstone jewelry. She would like to invest in a bulk purchase of materials, including gemstones.

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Loan requested: $200 USD

Enoch Adjei

African masks and wood carvings - West Africa

Enoch is an artisan from Ghana who specializes in African masks and wood carvings. He would like to invest in a bulk purchase of materials, including wood, sandpaper and polish.

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Loan requested: $150 USD

Evelyn Kafui Ahianyo

African masks - West Africa

Evelyn is an artisan from Ghana who specializes in African masks. She would like to invest in a bulk purchase of various materials, including wood, polish and sandpaper.

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Loan requested: $500 USD


sterling silver jewelry with Karen hill tribe fine silver beads - Thailand

Siranya is an artisan from Thailand who specializes in sterling silver jewelry with Karen hill tribe fine silver beads. She would like to invest in a bulk purchase of silver, gemstones and beads.

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Loan requested: $800 USD


In a climate where the world's most challenged entrepreneurs are subjected to painfully high interest rates, we've cut out all the financial middlemen and, in true NOVICA fashion, taken matters into our own hands.

We are proud to have launched the first-ever microfinance website where customers can purchase products and lend money directly to artisans, with loans at 0% interest!

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