Love this bag. The leather, colors, and detailing are beautiful, and it's the right size to hold the few things I carry each day. This is perfect for me and a beautiful accent piece in and of itself.
This is beautiful! It's so pretty, it becomes an accessory in itself. Since I had a bad fall, I use this to keep my cell phone with me at all times and it's perfect for that, too. If it had pocket at the back for a card and keys, I could use it as a compact cross-body purse as well.
This coin purse is very lovely. It's colors are so vibrant and pretty. It's very well made. I liked it so much I bought two; a purple one and turquoise one. They're very lightweight so they don't weigh down my purse which is a plus. Would highly recommend.
"Starting out on my own was a difficult decision and very risky... Sometimes, I felt I had failed. I had to close my workshop twice... Practice, steadiness and perseverance were my pillars."
Latest Update"In 2020, when we were in the midst of the pandemic, I was able to sustain myself financially only by selling through Novica. The... read more
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