This is a beautiful handbag. I love the colors on the bag part. So vibrant. This is also very well made with the leather strap and bottom. Love love love it. Also gotten lots of compliments when wearing it.
This is the first time I like seeing my bag just laying on the table. It fits comfortably across my chest and it holds everything I need, even a journal and a book if I want to! The medallion bends if you smash it into a motorcycle saddlebag, but it bends right back. Love it.
This bag is absolutely gorgeous. The photo does not do it justice. The workmanship is incredible, and the color is awesome. I can't wait to show it off.
"Such a wide range of beautifully colored, intricate cloth patterns mesmerized me!"
"I was born in 1973 in a province north of Bangkok. Although my parents are poor farmers, they worked very hard to send my two sisters, my... read more
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