Very pretty bag - love that big red flower! It's a nice size to carry whatever you need without being too bulky. Good for wearing with jeans or for a night out. Nicely made, too - great quality!
My 91-year-old friend received it for her birthday. She couldn't stop talking about it, and even when her granddaughter came to visit, she cleverly hid it.
I said, don't worry, I know where we can get another one.
Thank you for this very wonderful gift.
"The center's most important work is with the Young Weavers Groups. Every Saturday, children and young people get together in the community weaving centers to learn from their elders."
The Artisans of the Center for Traditional Textiles of Cusco, based in Peru, works to practice, sustain, and revive ancestral weaving styles, natural... read more
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