I was afraid these would be very fragile pieces, but they are actually quite sturdy and indeed very beautiful. My four-year-old grandson helped to unpack them and arrange them for Christmas. I am very impressed with the artisanship. The price is very reasonable given the quality of the 10 pieces.
The Andean Festivity in blue is beautiful and wonderfully made. I love Nativity scenes and did not have a glass one. The artistry and workmanship are outstanding. I love these and will enjoy them for years to come.
"This technique requires a lot of patience, practice, perseverance, desire, and passion, which are qualities I apply to this day."
"My name is Milton Nolverto Rios Patricio. I was born in 1982 in Lima. The summers are short, crisp, arid, and partially cloudy, while the... read more
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