I was afraid these would be very fragile pieces, but they are actually quite sturdy and indeed very beautiful. My four-year-old grandson helped to unpack them and arrange them for Christmas. I am very impressed with the artisanship. The price is very reasonable given the quality of the 10 pieces.
My sister collects nativity sets, and at this point, it's a challenge finding one she doesn't have. I haven't given this to her yet, but I'm sure she'll be delighted with it!
This Nativity is a very sweet depiction of the birth of Jesus, appealing to children and adults alike. It is a welcome addition to my Christmas collection.
"Over the years, I perfected my abilities and became a master retablo craftsman. In some, I depict Biblical scenes and, in others, everyday life in the Andes."
Alejandro Chavez was born in Lima in 1956. He specializes in creating retablos, a kind of reverent diorama-altar typical of the Ayacucho region of... read more
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