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In a surreal setting of sepia undertones, a pregnant woman with long limbs and arms patiently awaits the arrival of her babe. "The portrayal of a pregnant woman resting over striped fabric seemingly trying to get up underscores the sweetness of her wait in a tranquil setting," explains Juan Sandoval as he presents his mixed media painting. He combines walnut stain and pencil with oil and acrylic paints to successfully create a surreal environment where peace reigns.
Titled "Dulce espera" in Spanish.
You can find our 'sweet Wait' by Juan Sandoval in paintings categories such as Female Form Paintings, Surrealist Paintings and Mixed Media Paintings. Enjoy exploring these sections for other Novica treasures.
"For me, the decision to paint was more daring than challenging. I assumed it as such and I continue to carry it out with honor and love."