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Celadon ceramic figurines, "Cats Shun Evil"

Product ID: 196560

Three cheerful cats learn their first lessons in life — see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Duangkamol crafts the charming blue-green figurines... more


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Three cheerful cats learn their first lessons in life — see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Duangkamol crafts the charming blue-green figurines with traditional celadon ceramic techniques, featuring a unique crackled glaze. The trio sits in a rectangular tray.

  • 0.64 kgs
  • 1.4 lbs
  • Cats (each): 9 cm H x 5 cm W x 5 cm D
  • Cats (each): 3.5" H x 2" W x 2" D
  • Tray: 1.8 cm H x 19.2 cm W x 9 cm D
  • Tray: 0.7" H x 7.5" W x 3.5" D

  • Celadon ceramic
  • Features a crackled finish
  • Hand-crafted item -- colour, size and/or motif may vary slightly
  • Made in Thailand
  • Certified and shipped by our office in Thailandicon info
  • Product ID: 196560
  • Price includes VAT.
  • We will also cover duty and any import fees for items shipped from outside the United Kingdom.


Handmade celadon tableware and decor accessories

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Aug 17, 2023

Silent Yet Powerful”

What a treasure! These beautiful cats have replaced the stage of No Evil Monkeys and have captured my mothers heart! She collected Three Monkeys sculpture for many years. But she adores cats and was thrilled to receive this gift. These sweet cats with morals greet everyone who enters Moms front door! The dreamy blue green Earthtone Celedon glaze is so elegant! Exquisite artwork, Duangkamol!

Conversation Piece Spiritual Reflection Lesson for Human Kindness Brings Joy & Humor Display Decor Greeting This was a gift for Mother Occasion: birthday
Purchased Item Cats Shun Evil, Celadon ceramic figurines

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From Caro, Michigsn USA

Verified Reviewer

Oct 05, 2016

They wont hear, see, or tell!”

I have a friend Duangkamol who loves items in teal color. This was as close as I could find on Novica. When she received them for her birthday, she squealed in delight. When people come to her home, she points out these three characters to them and where they came from. She is also a great cat lover. I hope this makes you smile to know how happy someone was to receive these kittens. I could see no flaws in them. Very, very nice work.

Purchased Item Cats Shun Evil, Celadon ceramic figurines

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Verified Reviewer

Mar 04, 2025

Lovely Thai inspired Crèche”

Beautiful and serene Nativity scene. I collect Nativity scenes and love those created by cultures around the world.

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Your Purchase Makes a Difference!

Preserving Traditions

Preserving Traditions

Duangkamol's mother sent her to study ceramics with an elder master. From him, she learned the basics but, with diligence, she has mastered this art herself. For Duangkamol, every batch of ceramics is a lesson. She eschews the chemicals common to modern celadon production, preferring instead to use the ancient natural process for glazing. This process is difficult to control. Her 100 percent natural glazes are made from wood ash and straw ash. These materials have been used for generations to define the distinctive crackle particular to celadon. Her workshop is a celadon laboratory with skills handed generously back and forth from master to student and from worker to worker.

Job Creator

Job Creator

The ceramists who work with Duangkamol range in age from 25 to more than 70, and most of them have been with her for years. They enjoy their work and are happy to have a good income. She strives for a stress free work environment. Duangkamol credits the steady orders she receives from Novica customers with reducing her personal stress, and she now feels more free to focus on her art.

Empowering Women

Empowering Women

The Women's Empowerment badge is awarded to female artisans or artisan groups that are led by women.

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