My wife loves this hat! The craftsmanship is impeccable and the felt is quite sturdy. The size was spot-on. The hat was a year-end 2020 holiday gift, so unfortunately she'll have to wait until travel and outdoors time reopen post-COVID crisis to really show it off...
My sweetheart loves her gifts from Novica artisans. We feel good about our support for these artists and craftsmen (and women). It was exactly as portrayed and received in a reasonable time.
This totally different in color than all the other hats on Novica. It is has varying shades of light green, especially. The picture looked more brown. It fits well and is a delight to wear.
"The colors carry me, impress me, and surprise me, and I really like combining them."
“My name is Edison Canal Mamani. I was born in the imperial city of Cuzco in a district named Urcos. Its beauty is highlighted in the Plaza de Armas... read more
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