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handmade jewelry

62 items

Featured Reviews


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I purchased this necklace as a gift. The recipient was "blown away" and loved everything about it. When she learned about where I made the purchase, she was even more pleased that her gift made a difference to someone. Stunningly beautiful!


Jan 11, 2025

Leichte Kette im Naturlook

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Tolle Kombination, einerseits ist sie Kette ganz leicht und angenehm zu tragen, andererseits ist sie so groß, dass sie nicht zu übersehen ist. Durch natürliche Materialien wirkt sie aber nicht nach „too much“.


Mar 23, 2022

Completed My Suite of Wooden Jewelry Pieces

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I now have a necklace, bracelet, rings and these earrings featuring the natural beauty of wood. These earrings have complimentary wooden beads that make them special, without being flashy. Beautiful craftsmanship.

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