Jan 28, 2020
Beautiful hand carved peace sign
My last name is peace and I am a old hippie. I have always loved anything with the peace sign. When I found this beautiful piece of superb artwork my heart soared.the carving looks so real. This young, talented man is truly and artist that I will buy from again. I just ordered the ok sign and can?t wait to get it!
Jul 3, 2017
I am really happy for following my heart regarding this beautiful and excellently craft piece of art! I am myself inspired by the Buddhist spirituality, but the real motivation hasn't to do with me. Several years ago my mother and I visited China. We were at the site of the Great Wall. She couldn't walk and explore it with me because of her age and stayed behind in a shop with our guide. When I came back she said to me: I would like a Buddha figurine. I ignored her request at that moment and later forgot about it. When she died, for a long time that memory had been nagging me but I was pushing it to the back of my consciousness. I received the Buddha sculpture on my birthday, two days before her passing away five year ago. That's why I requested to write on the little greeting card (in Spanish): Mima, deseo cumplido (Mima, wish fulfilled). Thank you, Gung Gus, and also Novica, for helping me fulfill her desire and lighten my pain!
Jun 8, 2020
Stunning and so handsome