A skeletal figure, she stands with her hands raised in the posture of women who die in childbirth. Artisans from the Angel Cerón Artisan Association sculpts the image of Coatlicue, "She of the serpent skirt." The Mexica earth goddess and mother of the gods, her image bears the symbol "Eight Malinalli, or "grass." Her son Huitzilopochtli, the sun god and god of war, defended her from the powers of the night.
The artisans bathe the image in earth to give it the effect of a recent archaeological discovery.
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A good work as usual.
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Questa ? la seconda scultura che acquisto ed ? curata nei minimi dettagli per la misura che ha. La trovo perfetta. Sono davvero felice di aver potuto acquistare da questi fantastici artisti in Messico. Sicuramente ordinero da loro altre sculture. Grazie!
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This is the perfect size for our display shelf. My son and I were just in Mexico and forgot to buy a souvenir for our travel collection of places we visited. When I saw this I had to order it. The packaging was beautiful to and I love the personalized card from the artist.
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Verified Reviewer
Maya with Chu Vessel is a really nice ceramic sculpture. It is not, however, signed by the artist. Instead, it has a generic MEXICO sticker plastered on the back. Additionally, there was not a certified story card included. The lack of those items gives the appearance of a mass-produced piece.
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Verified Reviewer
Highly skilled interpretation of Olmec Wrestler. Love it. Angel Ceron Artisan Association has some marvelous pieces. My son gave me another sculpture that I cherish as well. Buy with confidence. The packing job was extraordinary! Ive never seen anything like it! If youre worried about fragile ceramic pieces, dont be. Ive never seen such a professional packing job.
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Lovely, detailed, historical piece
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