Product ID: 283357
Artisans from the Angel Cerón Artisan Association create this original sculpture, their vision of how a governor from Uaxactun (Guatemala) would look like. The artisans are inspired by recent findings that suggest there could have been violent wars between the ancient Mayas. This character wears a tall hat where birds seem to nest. The governor holds a jaguar's fang in one hand, and a mace in the other to portray him as victorious. His breastplate seems to honor Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent.
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Highly skilled interpretation of Olmec Wrestler. Love it. Angel Ceron Artisan Association has some marvelous pieces. My son gave me another sculpture that I cherish as well. Buy with confidence. The packing job was extraordinary! Ive never seen anything like it! If youre worried about fragile ceramic pieces, dont be. Ive never seen such a professional packing job.
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Lovely, detailed, historical piece
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What a beautifully made mask! And PERFECTLY packaged for its trip to its new home. Excellent!!!!
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