Feathers fan outward like petals, framing the face of Quetzalcoatl. Working in clay, artisans from the Angel Cerón Artisan Association depict the "plumed serpent" of Mesoamerican myth and legend. Tenuous color suggests the polychrome splendor of the original piece, found in the Temple of Teotihuacan and dating from the Classic Period (100 to 800 AD). This exquisite sculpture faithfully replicates the original.
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Verified Reviewer
Highly skilled interpretation of Olmec Wrestler. Love it. Angel Ceron Artisan Association has some marvelous pieces. My son gave me another sculpture that I cherish as well. Buy with confidence. The packing job was extraordinary! Ive never seen anything like it! If youre worried about fragile ceramic pieces, dont be. Ive never seen such a professional packing job.
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Lovely, detailed, historical piece
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What a beautifully made mask! And PERFECTLY packaged for its trip to its new home. Excellent!!!!
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