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Product ID: 417015
Seated on a tiger, Shiva lifts a hand in blessing. Regarded as the celestial overlord of deliverance through destruction, Shiva has his customary trident by his side as a show of divinity. The hissing cobra that slithers around his head symbolizes his potent divine destructivity, and his matted hair is thought to contain the flow of the Ganges River. Shiva is one of the most complex gods of India, embodying seemingly contradictory qualities. He is both the destroyer and the restorer, the great ascetic and the symbol of sensuality, the benevolent herdsman of souls and the wrathful avenger. Unaffected by the whims of the world, he is innocent and guileless, pure of mind and heart. He does not adorn his body with jewels or flowers — he mats his hair and dresses in animal hide.
Ida Bagus Lawa Bargawa is a master of the batik technique, sketching the figures by hand and applying the wax resist freehand, which requires great skill. A different dye bath is required for each separate colour in his elegant and complex batik "painting."
You can find our cotton batik art wall hanging 'Blessing Shiva' by Ida Bagus Lawa Bargawa in wall decor categories such as Religious Wall Hangings, Batik Wall Hangings, Hinduism Wall Hangings and Cotton Wall Hangings. Enjoy exploring these sections for other Novica treasures.
"My inspiration is spontaneous. It comes to me while watching TV, reading magazines, walking in traditional markets and participating in Bali's religious ceremonies, but most when I meditate."