I love the look and feel of these small cotton bags. The colors are beautiful and they feel like they will last a long time. I am very glad I bought these!
I love this bag. I purchased in June 2019 and I have used everyday for 5 years. It only recently has started to show how much it’s been loved, so I just purchased again. I love these colors and I love the shape of this bag.
This little charming bag really embodies the spirit of the Andes to me - bright and cheerful and what is important - the land, the animals and the people! Beautifully done, charming and happy! Thank you for this gift of your land!!
"I am a person who always likes to do everything, better and better. If I feel something isn't good enough, I don't give up. I will always try my best until I achieve what I want."
"Hello! My name is Chirada Loetparisanyu. I was born on April 7, 1973. My hometown is in Chonburi province, but I moved to Chiang Mai because my... read more