I was afraid these would be very fragile pieces, but they are actually quite sturdy and indeed very beautiful. My four-year-old grandson helped to unpack them and arrange them for Christmas. I am very impressed with the artisanship. The price is very reasonable given the quality of the 10 pieces.
This is a beautiful set of glass figurines! I appreciate the quality workmanship and love the green and the golden accents. I love llamas and have an extensive collection. These are unique and so much nicer than the factory-made llama figurines found everywhere these days. Thank you!!
We are grateful for the journey we have undertaken, driven by our love for this art form.
"Hello! My name is Panapai, and I specialize in creating blown glass products, particularly in various animal shapes and earrings. My wife... read more
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Discover our unique collection of beautiful, handmade objects from around the world, inspired by more than a century of exploration.