Crafting a Memorable World Artisan Day: Ten Creative Ideas for Celebrating the Arts on April 18


Delfina Ruiz
Artisan Delfina Ruiz will celebrate World Artisan Day in Mexico

LOS ANGELES, April 12, 2023 — Artisans and art lovers in the U.S. and around the world plan to celebrate World Artisan Day next week on April 18. World Artisan Day is a relatively new holiday recognizing artisans for their essential contributions to history and humanity. The holiday was officially added to global calendars three years ago, thanks to the efforts of Los Angeles-based fair trade giant

This year, interest in World Artisan Day is spreading around the globe. Artisans and art lovers are planning celebrations across continents, ranging from street fairs and festivals to house parties and religious ceremonies.

Why does World Artisan Day Matter in 2023?

Artisan Mayra Hernandez will celebrate World Artisan Day in Guatemala
Artisan Mayra Hernandez will celebrate World Artisan Day in Guatemala

“Today, in this age of anonymous mass production, a new shift is becoming evident — indicating that we’re collectively yearning for a return to craftsmanship — and perhaps to our own artisanal roots. Keep in mind that historically, most of us were artisans. We used our hands to create everything that filled our world,” commented NOVICA’s Ben Kiblinger, who spearheaded the successful 2020 effort to get World Artisan Day recognized on global calendars.

“This renewed desire for handmade over machine made is evidenced in the significant rebirth of ‘artisanal’ goods we’re witnessing today,” Kiblinger continued, adding, “From corner stores to big box stores, ‘handmade’ and ‘ethically made’ labels are popping up everywhere, across all sectors. Shoppers are craving a return to handcrafted authenticity and human connection — a connection to the source. World Artisan Day helps bring this tangible, positive trend out into the spotlight, while at the same time honoring our world’s keepers of the arts.”

How to celebrate World Artisan Day on April 18? NOVICA suggests the following ten ideas:

  1. Make something with your hands. Bake cookies for a neighbor. Try painting with watercolors. Create something that brings joy.
  2. Host a craft party, or an artisan-themed dinner party featuring handmade decor and artisanal foods and drinks.
  3. Attend a local art fair to discover new artists and their crafts.
  4. Take a workshop or class to learn a new craft or skill from an artisan.
  5. Share your love for handmade on social media with hashtag #WorldArtisanDay.
  6. Visit a museum or gallery, and learn about your favorite works of art.
  7. Write a thank-you note or leave a positive review for a talented artisan.
  8. Organize a community event to elevate the visibility of local artisans.
  9. Visit an artisan friend or family member to learn about their craft and share in their passion.
  10. Support artisans by choosing handmade and fair trade whenever possible. Patronize local artisans, and discover a world of exceptional craftspeople online as well, at and other marketplace platforms.
World Artisan Day group with banner in Bali April 2022
World Artisan Day group with banner in Bali April 2022

NOVICA’s ten Artisan Empowerment Hubs around the world are planning a variety of events to celebrate World Artisan Day. In Thailand, for example, NOVICA’s regional team will honor World Artisan Day with visits to artisans’ homes, bringing with them traditional offerings of respect including flowers, candles, and incense. NOVICA’s Brazil team will join festivities at the Ipanema Fair, and will deliver breakfasts to participating artisans. NOVICA’s India team will host a World Artisan Day party in New Delhi honoring master artisans.[/caption]

NOVICA Ghana celebrates World Artisan Day
NOVICA Ghana celebrates World Artisan Day

“We are thrilled that people everywhere are joining in celebrations this year to honor the incredible craftspeople who tether us to our rich, creative past and future. Artisans preserve disappearing arts, protect age-old traditions, and ensure that vibrant cultures continue to thrive. Likewise, they lead us into the future through innovation,” Kiblinger concluded.

A new website,, invites event organizers to add year-round artisan-themed listings to its global public calendar.

Statistics: The global handcrafts sector is enormous; it reached $752.2 billion in 2022 (source: Handicrafts Market Size, Share, Industry Analysis Report 2023-2028, by International Market Analysis Research and Consulting Group). Historically, only a small percentage of that global sales figure trickles back to artisans, and working conditions for the majority of the world’s artisans are abysmal and inequitable. That dynamic is what NOVICA and other fair trade purveyors strive to change.

About NOVICA: NOVICA’s unique online listing and fulfillment platform cuts out multiple layers of middlemen, making it possible for global artisans to earn more and customers to pay less. Founded in 1999 to empower artisans and preserve endangered cultural art forms, NOVICA has become the leading online fair trade marketplace in the world. showcases named, featured artisans and ships their handmade jewelry, unique gifts, home decor, and ethical apparel creations directly to individual customers’ doorsteps. An estimated 75,000 people in emerging nations already benefit globally from NOVICA, including artisans and their dependents.

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