Indigenous People Save Traditional Crafts

On October 11th,  we celebrated the history and culture of indigenous peoples around the world. In honor of the $114.2 million you’ve helped send to global artisans, we’d like to show our appreciation by showcasing a few of these artisan groups.

Claiming Space

How indigenous groups of artisans are preserving ancient craft traditions and disappearing art forms.

Kanxoc Community

The Kanxoc Community is comprised of artisans from Yucatan’s Maya population whose embroidery preserves techniques passed down for generations. Through their gorgeous pouches and handbags, they keep sacred traditions alive.



Absolutely stunning beadwork comes to us from the tribal women of rural Kenya. The growing movement of talented craftswomen not only organize, train, and empower female artisans, they turn out some of the most captivating jewelry and décor.


Thai Tribal Crafts

No longer able to practice the slash and burn agriculture that once sustained them, the semi-nomadic tribal communities of Northern Thailand have revived beautiful textile traditions that may otherwise have been lost to the past.


In countless ways, you support indigenous crafts, disappearing artforms, and ancient traditions. From all of us at NOVICA, thank you.

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