Parade Magazine Features NOVICA in List of Best Companies Who Give Back

Parade Magazine has chosen NOVICA as part of their gift-giving list of companies who make a positive impact by giving back to artisans in developing nations and who support worthy causes.

Fair Trade Embellished Ottoman Foot Stool from India, "Lapis Patchwork"
Fair Trade Embellished Foot Stool from India, “Lapis Patchwork”

Parade has compiled a 2020 gift guide for gifts that are not only truly unique but also do some good.  All companies listed give back by supporting worthy causes, including saving endangered animals, protecting the environment, and feeding hungry children. We are honored to have our beautiful handcrafted ottoman called “Lapis Patchwork” featured on the list. This piece is the creation of artisan, Ganpat Mehta from India.

Parade magazine page featuring NOVICA.

NOVICA is the impact marketplace that provides a platform for artisans in remote areas to showcase their works to the world. To date, over $100 million has been sent to artisans worldwide. NOVICA has often been the only source of income for many artisans.

The entire article can be read online.

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