Global Unity Bracelets and The Talented Artisans Who Create Them

It is no secret that we are living in unprecedented times. On a global level, our world seemed to change overnight. These shifts have certainly been challenging. In an effort to celebrate the unity inspired by this pandemic, NOVICA launched a campaign for Global Unity. We invited several of our talented artisans to create bracelets depicting what unity means to them. Their work is featured in our Global Unity Collection.

global unity bracelet
“Hands in Unity,” Handmade Mexican Amber & Gold Bracelet

Below are highlighted some of the submissions and the talented artisans behind them. This campaign gives these artisans the opportunity to share their voices, their inspirations, and their creations with you and the world.

Henry Anthony Sanny, Bali

Henry Anthony Sanny was selected as the winner of our Global Unity bracelet contest. Since opening his workshop over 15 years ago, Henry has worked as a dedicated and talented jewelry maker. Meanwhile, he supports his four children and creates jobs for other silversmiths and employees.

Henry Anthony Sanny

When beginning his work, Henry recognized the lack of jewelry that existed specifically for men. For this reason, he sought to design pieces that could appeal to a masculine aesthetic. However, his designs are also incredibly beautiful and able to be worn by all.

One of Henry’s unity bracelets reflects a lovely obsidian orb that sits centrally among a simple black cord. It is tenderly cradled by sterling silver hands that seem to share both its weight and responsibility in a single gesture of friendship.  The sliding clasp reads “Fight Racism,” which circulates his stance for equality and against discrimination.

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“Silver Handshake,” Bali Obsidian and Sterling Silver Cord Unity Bracelet

When you wear this bracelet, please know I hope you will always stay united, be kind, lend a helping hand in whatever way possible. Let’s all be thankful and care for this beautiful world we live in.” – Henry Anthony Sanny

Carolina and Jorge, The Andes

Carolina and Jorge

Carolina and Jorge created their unity bracelet as a means of celebrating their culture and connecting with the wisdom of ancestral knowledge from the Andes.

Three coca leaves come together in a bouquet known as a kintu, which symbolizes the union of the three worlds: the realms of the living, of the dead, and of the gods. It is also a favorite offering of gratitude to Pachamama, the Mother Earth.

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“Three Worlds in Union,” Andean Sterling Silver Kintu Pendant Unity Bracelet

Carolina and Jorge find strength in their lineage and ancestors. This gives them the courage to remain present and grounded in this experience while embracing the new possibilities that arise amongst change.

“In the midst of the current world crisis, we find an opportunity to reinvent ourselves as jewelers, as artists, as human beings. It forces us to look from within and share the best we have, to shake hands and unite with one goal — we commit to continue fighting for our dreams and helping those who need it most.” – Carolina and Jorge.

Dewa Arimbawa, Bali

Dewa is a talented jewelry artisan who inherited his love of the arts from his grandfather. Working primarily in sterling silver, he hopes to preserve the Balinese tradition of silversmithing. He uses traditional techniques and draws design inspiration from Balinese architecture and textile design.

Dewa Arimbawa

Dewa has steadily grown his workshop since joining NOVICA. Consequently, he has created jobs for assistants and silversmiths who work with him.

Balinese people prioritize togetherness and harmony to achieve our goals…We say ‘unity by respecting, reminding, loving, and helping each other,’ and the concept inspired me to create this motif.” – Dewa Arimbawa

global unity bracelet
“Helping Hands Together,” Balinese Sterling Silver Black Lava Stone Unity Bracelet

In this unity bracelet, Dewa Arimbawa references the pandemic visually and directly. He created his bead design to depict the coronavirus as illustrated and circulated by the Center for Disease Control. The central bead of tenderly clasped hands evokes unity, connectivity, and the power of coming together to find a solution.

Sarote Lochotinunt, Thiland

Sarote Lochotinunt is a talented jewelry maker that works primarily in wood and silver. He employs three deaf artisans that he communicates with via writing and sign language. This inspired him to design jewelry using Braille, and now, Morse Code.

global unity bracelet
Sarote Lochotinunt

Lochotinunt uses macrame and sterling silver beads to replicate the dots and dashes of Morse Code. In this bracelet, he spells out the word “unity.” Using Morse Code allows him to transcend certain language barriers that may exist otherwise so we can celebrate our connectivity.

global unity bracelet
“Morse Code Unity,” Thai Sterling Silver Macrame Bracelet

“In these difficult times, unity is important for all nations to overcome this crisis together. Everyone around the world is suffering and our problems are the same. We must not be divided, not by skin color, or politics, or social class. I sincerely hope my Morse Code bracelet will help remind us to have much love and unity.” – Sarote Lochotinunt

Catherine Offei Kwapong, West Africa

Catherina Offei Kwapong is an impactful member of her community in Ghana. She supports mothers, children, and orphans in her community by helping to cover their school fees. As a result, she ensures that they have open opportunities and a future backed by education and knowledge.

global unity bracelet
Catherine Offei Kwapong

When asked to describe what unity means to her, Catherine uses the analogy of a broom.

It is very common to hear ‘unity is strength’ and this can be demonstrated with the broom. Whereas a single broom straw is very easy to break, it’s almost impossible to break many broom straws woven together.” – Catherine Offei Kwapong

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“Together in Fellowship,” African Beaded Terracotta Unity Bracelet from Ghana,

Catherine’s unity bracelet uses terracotta beads, recycled glass, and is centered with a unique coconut shell pendant. She names it Nkabom, which means “fellowship or unity” in the Akan language.

While we all come from different backgrounds, we are united by our experience as human beings on this earth. Now more than ever we must rely on unity to get us through. Our artisans have certainly done a wonderful job of spreading that message.  As always, when you shop with NOVICA, your purchase goes directly to supporting these artisans, their families, and their craft. In doing so, you are giving voice to their traditions, motivation, inspiration, emotions, values, hopes, and dreams.

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